As we provide the best professionals for our online courses and classes it transforms the learner for better tomorrow,
However, as the information is confidential, every course can only be seen and watched while staying on the site.
Anywhere out of the site, information viewed or manipulated will be confronted as illegal use and abuse of the academy data.
If prospect is found using or selling our information, strict action will be taken under the law of copyright infringement case.
For Refund:
As we pay full attentions to learner's need and wants before making the course we launch a pilot course on respective topic on YouTube to take a look at.
We provide you enough free data to cater your decisions, therefore on the basis of free trial of each courses we can't offer refund of the courses once after you become a member.
Member can not cancel or ask for the refund of the course they have subscribed.
Academy is abide to provide only 8 classes for the fees amount they have taken from you remaining 96 classes are bonus from academy side and it can not be demanded.
If academy finds out any students manipulating its property or trying to destroy the peace and decorum of the institute and community, academy can take strict action which may include suspending the admision of the student for lifetime and no refund will be given.
For any judicial or legal action academy is subjected to surat city judiciary only.
Yet for our academic merchandise or essential tools which can be bought separately 'according to the desire of member' are refundable within 2 days of receiving. Also member have to bear the transportation cost.
For refund of any tools email us at support@salsabila.academy We will send you the detail of address where it is to be sent.
After we received our tool money will be transferred in full amount within a day.